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Meet the team.


Kalle Lintinen, CTO

Dr. Kalle Lintinen has been working with experimental chemistry for nearly two decades in fields ranging from protection against chemical warfare agents, building next generation organic solar cells and functional coatings for the electronics industry. Serendipitously all of the skills learned in these fields helped Kalle to come up with a completely different way of using lignin. Kalle jumped into studying lignin nanospheres just as they were first found, and has made several inventions that convert them from a scientific curiosity into a powerful tool for replacing petrochemical products and making the planet a greener place.

+358 505734498

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Eero Knuutila, CEO

You will find information about Eero here shortly.




Alexander Henn,
Head of R&D

Doctoral researcher Alexander Henn started researching lignin nanospheres on the side of his Bachelor's studies in Prof. Österberg's research group in 2017. He has taken a multidisciplinary route, being cunning in both biomaterials engineering and synthetic biology. His experience and creativeness have been a significant part in developing the new applications for lignin that LignoSphere is offering. Because he started his academic career early, it is difficult to find a younger expert on lignin nanospheres and their applications than Alex.

+358 503091259


Pekka Oinas,
Head of Engineering

Prof. Pekka Oinas has more than over 25 years of experience in chemical industry and particularly in process development encompassing management, development and design of processes, chemical reaction engineering, safety design and technological support of production. He has contributed to more than 60 scientific publications and patents. Prof. Oinas is responsible of an interdisciplinary major program of Aalto University concerning advanced energy solutions. He has been responsible various commercialization projects in Aalto, including Ioncell (iCom) for sustainable textiles.

+358 504650929

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